A Horrible Relationship

I began to work at my local YMCA in the fall of 2009. In my time there, I worked as a personal trainer and general Wellness Staff in the gym. I loved working there more than any other job I have ever worked before. The members were so kind, and I was constantly surrounded by such a great host of godly men and women. It was bliss. Anyways, sometime that year I met a girl who also worked at the Y, and we began to date. It was probably my first REAL relationship that lasted more than a couple months. But still I was so far away from where I needed to be. That relationship was headed for failure the second it began. At the time, I really liked that girl, even though I ignored so many things that simply made the relationship extremely dysfunctional. I even thought at one point that we would fall in love and get married. Yeah right! I was dreaming. I was more in love with the idea of marriage than marrying that specific girl.

Looking back, I remember stuffing so much anger and frustration down that I was really hurting myself. But I didn’t recognize the dysfunction at the time, and after two months, I went to meet her family in South Carolina (I believe that’s correct). It was the most awkward experience of my life. I didn’t get along well with hardly any of her family members. When we drove back home, we got in a huge fight. We finally realized that things just weren’t working out between us. Still, we dated for another month and tried to work it out. By January 2010, she dumped me, and I came to find out that she was cheating on me with a guy I worked with, a fellow personal trainer. Instead of breaking up with me, she cheated on me and then broke up with me. I was so hurt by that. Another month or so went by, and I had to endure that entire period of time feeling depressed and angry. It sickened me to see them dating, especially since I worked with both of them. Basically, the guy dumped his current girlfriend, and my girlfriend dumped me; then the two of them got together. I was so angry and bitter, and I hated my life.

Eventually, my ex and I talked on the phone (we attempted to be friends after we broke up…it failed miserably). While on the phone, I yelled at her and, unfortunately, I cussed her out really bad. I was at my friend’s house at the time, and I released all the anger and hatred I had inside of me. I questioned her about her cheating on me and gave her an ear full of unkind words. She cried on the phone, and I eventually hung up on her (at least I think I did the hanging up). Shortly after, she and her new boyfriend moved to a different city. At last, I was free. That was at least the second time in my life I had been cheated on in a relationship. That crap hurts. Anyways, I was so happy to be able to go to work again without seeing my ex with another guy. All the members at the YMCA were so kind to me during that hardship in my life. I finally began to heal from that traumatic experience of my life, but I still carried a lot of hurt with me. Next time, I’ll discuss the turning point of my life that led me to finally accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Until then, God bless!